Why ‘The Maple Square’?

You might be wondering why we called this platform ‘The Maple Square’, so let me explain:

The maple tree is my favorite tree. I remember looking up at many lush green maple trees during spring and summer, then watching their leaves turn all shades of yellow, orange and red during autumn. My parents have a maple tree in their garden and those first tender green leaves in spring are always the encouraging signal that winter is gone and we can look forward to warm, sunny days and all the joys of summer. Then there is an almost impenetrable canopy of green which brings shade and the buzz of insects and birds.

I love the network of branches and leaves as well as the strong trunk of mature maple trees that stand firmly planted on the ground with strong roots. Those roots grow quickly and as they stay close to the surface, they tend to come out the surface, cracking concrete and established foundations.

The ‘Square’ part of Maple Square comes from village and town squares - places where people meet and gather, where life happens and new connections are formed.

The meaning of the name is symbolic for what I want us to achieve with this platform. We want to create a place where women can be found as experts in their field, as speakers and thought leaders. Becoming visible isn’t always easy. Sometimes it involves being disruptive, cracking the existing surfaces and shaking things up a little.

I invite you to be part of this journey.


Gratitude for community


Welcome to The Maple Square